How our room in Clubhouse ran for 20 days straight 24/7 and helped thousands of entrepreneurs!
This is not a rags to riches story. But a story of how a small step in a big vision can impact millions of lives.
I am getting goosebumps even as I type this because the last 20 days have been nothing short of a roller-coaster ride for me and my wife.
Let me start the story by explaining about the platform where it all started. This platform is called Clubhouse app — a purely audio-based platform where you can get entry by invitation only. Since nothing that you say here is recorded, the app can create a #FOMO type of feeling pretty quickly. So when you download this app, you sign up with your name/email, a short bio and a profile picture. On the app are ‘rooms’ where there’s an audience related to the topic of that room. There are listeners, speakers and moderators to control both. Beat this: there are no videos or images shared except for the profile picture, it’s strictly audio-based. People recognize you by your profile name and your voice.
Now let me get to my story. My wife and I have a life mission: we want to inspire 100 million entrepreneurs around the world. Precisely why we opened an account on Cloubhouse in the first place since someone told me it’s a great way to connect with entrepreneurs. On Christmas Day at 9 am, my wife and I started a room on the app called “What it takes to run a 1 million dollar biz” hoping to connect with lonely entrepreneurs who were stuck at home. We felt there was a lack in rooms dedicated to other like minded entrepreneurs. What happened next was nothing short of magical and changed our life.
After a few minutes in the room, 3 people joined. Then 5 people, then 10 and shortly after we had over 100 people in the room. Most were listening and some were “on stage” asking questions about their business. Luckily we had some other experienced business owners join the room so they became moderators and were able to help answer questions. Many of the people asking for advice were small business owners greatly impacted by COVID or were laid off from their jobs looking to start a business. While speaking and listening we realized entrepreneurship is a very lonely place and this could be the reason people rushed in to be heard and to hear more.
After a few hours and hundreds of people the craziest thing happened. We saw names of influencers and celebrities in the business field joining the conversation. At this point, it was clear to us that we were onto something and a movement was brewing. In order to make this movement possible,we would have to continue this room 24 hours a day. We had heard there was a room that went for 12 days straight so we set out to be the longest room in Clubhouse history — going 24 hours a day for 13 days. We could not do it alone so we enlisted 10 entrepreneurs who would be moderators alongside us to help. Great thing about a group of 10 entrepreneurs is we created processes like a schedule form, new mod application form, and a Facebook messenger group for communication. It was like a well-oiled machine.
After a few days of being successful with this platform , so many celebrities and influencers in business came in such as Les Brown, Tai Lopez, Dan Henry, John Lee, Daymond John. They applauded our room saying it was their favorite place. Many of these became frequent visitors. Grant Cardone made multiple visits to the room to drop advice to people, Patrick Starr came to our room first among so many others. There were times well over 1,000 people were in and out of that room. Then the messages started coming in about how much this was changing people’s lives. They would come up and even cry sharing what pains them in life and business. They did not have the network of people to discuss this with. We received hundreds of messages that we are still 20 days later going through.
I have never seen anything like this in my life. The ability to audio communicate with people creates such a bond. People stayed up to 15 days straight in this room for sometimes 12 hours a day. It was incredible. They kept thanking all of us for providing so much value and help for free which is normally not something you hear about.
While writing this, we had closed the room a few hours ago stopping at 20 days. After this my wife and I opened a room titled “Chill” and people came in to tell us how much they were impacted. How they were just so happy that we put in the time and how it was worth it. This gave me more gratification than any amount of money or business success could.
I cannot conclude without thanking the people who self-lessly pitched in to help us in reaching others. In case I miss your name please let me know so I can add. This was a team effort and could not have been accomplished without the hours upon hours of time: Kate Hancock, Jodeen Bergstrom, William Tong, Tony Tovar, Molly Mahoney, Sophia Hong, Kurt Walker, Joseph Lazukin, Jodeen Bergstrom, Jeff Lopez, Jason Economides, Dana Garrison, Timothy Lee, Kemmet Dominguez, Blake Nubar, Alisha Schenck, Kemmet Dominguez, Zach Babcock, Simone Vincenzi, Akemi Sue Fisher, Athena Severi, Perry Belcher, Lauren Tucker, Robbie Woelkers, Tanner Chidester, Laura Egocheaga, Garrett Robins, Gary Henderson, Djemilah Birnie, Don Ho, Alexa Anne, Craig Shulze, Eric Samdahl, Alexa Dagostino and so many more!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Let’s keep the conversation going.